Sunday, January 12, 2014

toilet training continued...and Sunday Roast!

We have now been toilet training for a week and a half.

It has been going well (I think - I don’t have anything to compare it too however). There were only 3 accidents in the first week, which was fantastic!! This included going to church with no accidentsand putting him on the potty in creche ( I went out before the sermon and put him on, then went out again after the sermon and tried again). After 8 great days we had family christmas on this weekend gone (Saturday). There was so much excitement (and I may have forgotten to take Ob to the toilet!). He had two accidents that day, which was the most he’s had in a day so far. Yesterday was church and he had another accident in creche. Today we had summerfest in the morning and no accidents so far :)

It is also exciting that he’s been going on the big toilet! YAY! Because its hard to cart around a potty and I hate cleaning it out! He’s used the big toilet so far at grandmas, the park, the shopping centre, summerfest and church. Very exciting! He’s also been asking to use it at home. So much easier than a potty!!!

Some things that I would do differently next time:

- STAY diligent in taking him to the toilet (and not expect him to go 3hrs between wees especially after the first week!)
- just have grapes as rewards (I tried to do smarties this time but Ob kept asking me for grapes instead!)

Some things I would definitely do the same:

- the wet/dry questioning! He really understands what its all about! I’m amazed at how quickly he’s cottoned on to what is going on :) Potty training 1-2-3 method is GOLD!

On Sunday we had our first Sunday Roast (hoping to have this as a tradition). It went SO well. I had a 1kg lamb roast and covered it in oil and garlic. Popped it in a pan and covered it in foil and the lid of the roasting pan. I cooked it at 150 degrees from 9.30 till about 11.45 (while we were out for church) and then upped it to 180 till about 12:30. I cooked the veggies in the microwave when we got home at about 11.45 and then put them in the oven for about half an hour to roast. I was so pleased with how it all worked together :) We invited 4 people over (as guinea pigs for the first roast) and it was a lovely afternoon :) Looking forward to many more Sunday Roasts!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Big boy bed update

Just an update on big boy bed...

He did start to get out and play with toys (and he still does) - so we usually check on him 5-10 mins after lights out to see if he's in bed or not. If he's not we have the talk - did mummy tell you to stay in your bed? Yes. Did you get out of bed? Yes. You disobeyed mummy so you need a smack. You need to do what mummy says. I usually give him the smack then out him back in bed, tell him to stay in bed and that we love him give him a kiss and shut the door. 

Some nights we don't have to do this, some nights we do. On the whole it doesn't happen a lot anymore.

The big boy bed transition really was not a drama at all. 

Toilet training and big boy undies!'s Sunday and as of Thursday we've been toilet training! What an adventure :) so far it has been.....easy? Not what I was expecting to say!! But true. I followed the principles of "potty training 1-2-3" by Gary Ezzo (same guy that wrote babywise) and it's been fantastic. It focuses on the child being dry, rather than on going to the toilet. Which makes perfect sense as we adults don't aim to go to the toilet, but we do aim to have dry pants!! 

So far we have had one accident (yesterday during lunch) - but the rest of the time has been smooth sailing!! 

Although OB hadn't had cordial or chocolates before, we figured this was the time (because the book said so!). And boy did it work a treat! Getting a smarty for being "dry" was an insanely massive incentive for OB (imagine tasting chocolate for the first time - great incentive!!). We got a new drink bottle (which wasn't necessary) and he drank loads of liquids and had lots of ewes to do. Every 15 minutes on day 1 I asked him "are you dry?" And he checked, if he was dry he got a smartie and then sat on the potty to "stay dry". If he did a wee he got another smartie. If he was wet (which hasn't happened) then we would just change his undies and continue on - no harsh words). Day #2 I asked him the question about every half hour to every hour. It was great. Mainly because I wasn't dishing out smarties every 15 mins (which did make for a pretty hypo child). 

I did put a nappy on him for his 3hr day sleep - but yesterday when he woke up his nappy was dry! Yay! 

Today we are going to church, so....he woke up at 7.45 (he still goes to bed at 7pm!) and did a wee on the potty (he asked for a grape as a treat so I gave him 2!). The we. Had breaky and I asked him if he wa dry as we finished breaky. He said yes, got his treat and then sat on the potty and did a big wee. So exciting! Now I will give him lots to drink, so hopefully he does his ewes before church and I'll stop giving him drinks about an hour before church. So the plan is to take him to the potty (after asking the question) at 9am, at 9.30am and then I'll take him when we get to church at about 9.45am. Hopefully he can last through church then!! We will see! I might go with him to crèche. And I'll probably take the potty with us!

So all in's been such a pleasant experience so far! Looking forward to what the next few weeks bring :)

An update on OB's current routine at 2yrs 1 month old.

Wakes up anytime from 7am - 8am (we do get the occasional sleep in till 8.30!)
Quite a routine morning: breakfast, chores (he vacuums and can dust and sweep), calendar time (which is our learning time/focus time - we follow a program from which covers manners, shapes, colours, letters, songs and the bible).
Then he has a 1hr room time by himself (which he absolutely loves - grew out of playpen time, which I would highly recommend doing from day dot). 
Then he will have upto an hour outside by himself playing  with the dog and his tractors and toys.
At 11am We have book time - he sits at the kitchen table or on the lounge and reads a few books I've selected (this time is tailored to him sitting when mummy says and reading what mummy says to aid in him sitting still in church on a Sunday).
11.30 is lunch time and then in bed by 12 for his day nap. I'm thinking of extending this a bit and putting him down at 12.30 but haven't done it yet.
Then he's up at 3. We have some outside time and just general free time. At 5pm it's quiet time - books, puzzles, whatever. Then a bath at about 5.30. If there's time between dinner and bath he can watch approx 20 mins of DVDs (tractor tom or playschool or spot). 
Dinner is at 6pm.
A about 6.30 it's into his bedroom. We read one book together. Then it's lights out - but we've started doing 10 mins of quiet bible reading by himself or lights out (he always chooses bible). Then lights out and one of us lays with him for 10 mins just chatting about his day. These suggestions were from a brilliant book called "Creative family times" by Hadidian and Wilson (another great toddler resources is "what every child should know along the way" by Gail Martin).
Then by 7pm it's door shut and he's down for the night.

A well as being in his big bed, he now has no safety rail, which is sad because he's growing up way too fast!!

I think that's all the updates for now. Xx