Wednesday, May 22, 2013

OB at 17 ish months

OB is 17.5 months old and routine is pretty awesome. Lots of time to get things done (during his room time, outside time and 3hr sleep).

I have attached the routine that lives on the fridge.

I have also made up a chart so that we can focus on one area of his character training per week - as it was getting overwhelming trying to cover everything everyday!

OB learnt to ride a skateboard this week which was pretty exciting! We also got him a scooter that clips on to the pram so he can practice his skating as we stroll around town (it conveniently folds up when not in use and doesn't affect the use of the pram).

Day sleeps are going really well. He often wakes with a dirty nappy half way, so we just change him and then put him back down. I leave him in his cot until 3 - even if he's chatting away to himself.

We have finally weaned him off his sleep music! We decided not to play it anymore and he just went straight to sleep without it. It's sad he's getting so big but exciting how he has learnt to just lie down and go to sleep. He now lies down as soon as I put him in the cot and snuggles in. It's exciting because he is getting ready for a big bed. He now has his night time and lunch time milk at the table after his meal. This saves having it later (or in the bedroom).

He has somehow learnt the word "no" which is going to be a challenge. However as we don't say "no", we say "not for you" it doesn't come up overly frequently yet.

Will do a post on daycare soon :)