Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dinner out

I haven't been a big fan of going out at night with Oscar.

Let me clarify - I was a HUGE fan of going out with Oscar when he was little and would sleep anywhere - probably upto the 4 month mark, but after that, when we had firmly established a routine, going out was for the day (and getting a good nights sleep was a priority). I believe that whenever possible kids should go to sleep at their consistent time (which should be between6-7pm depending on age).

Since the 4 ish month mark (when he started "sleeping through" the night) it became important to have a consistent bedtime routine and a consistent bed!!

It has paid off. Last night we went to my wonderful in laws place for dinner and we took OB. We did his usual nighttime routine, out him in their portacot and shut the door. Not a peep!! When it was home time at about 9pm, we picked him up, put him in the car, drove home, placed him in bed and left the room. He went straight back to sleep. It is SO worth missing out on a few night time social events (or getting someone trustworthy to babysit) for those 6 or so months to get baby into a great bedtime routine. I am now confident that we could successfully do his bedtime routine anywhere - and still get a full night sleep! Lots of people like to comment that this is just "luck" and a "good baby" but it has been a lot of consistent work and not giving up on sleep training to get to that point. "Luck" has nothing to do with it. Persistent and consistent training!i


I was so nervous about camping...but it was unnecessary. We did OB's normal bedtime routine, put him down at 6.30 in the tent, in the portacot and bam, he went to sleep. We tiptoed around him getting us into the tent - which was pretty noisy considering the zips and getting stuff from bags, but he stayed sleeping right through till 6.30am. I was so relieved.

We had such a great time camping. OB loved every minute of it. The second night he woke at 2am for an hour and then woke for the day at 5, but still proved that we could successfully go away overnight!it was great to trial it somewhere so close to home, so that we could sneak home if we had to.

We are currently moving to a 12 month old routine which pretty much lines OB's meals up with our meals. Cutting back to 2 breastfeeds a day (morning and night). His nighttime routine won't change - 5.30 dinner, bath, story and then bed.