Saturday, August 18, 2012

Food philosophy

Food is probably my most divided issue. Eating is something I love. But my heart and my head are divided. My heart says to follow these principles...

*do eat fresh (fruit, veg, meat)
*drink water and tea (and coffee for hubby)
*limit milk (it's for little cows, not little humans)

*dont eat processed

And thats it. It really is that simple.

But my head (more my stomach than my head) says - look its easy, it's convenient, then do it.

This morning OB and I had dates and rockmelon for morning tea (with a cup of tea for me and a sippy cup of water for OB).

Friday, August 17, 2012

In this first post I will try to explain the purpose for this blog.

I am a first time parent to OB (8.5 months) and am trying to wade through the ridiculous quantities of information for first time parents (and parents in general) to come up with my parenting 'strategy'. Ha ha, I call it 'strategy' because I couldn't think of any other word thats appropriate.

I am hoping this will be....

  • a place for me to collect my thoughts on parenting 
  • a place to share my thoughts on parenting
  • a place that I can come back to if we have more children to recall what I did this time round
  • a place to hopefully get some ideas from others on parenting
  • a place to share what my wonderful friends and family have taught me about home-making
  • a place to store recipes 

A bit about me that will help explain why I have some of the thoughts that I have...
  • I'm a christian - I believe the bible - I believe that Jesus death and resurrection have paid the price for our sins and that believing in him (and what he has done) is the only way to heaven. 
  • I grew up on a farm (my parents are farmers)
  • I am one of 5 children (I have 3 brothers and a sister....)
  • Being a mother, homemaker, wife doesn't come easy to me: I'm a product of the 80's - value is not placed on home-making, our society teaches women to be independent, work-a-holics and that we can "do it all" (career, kids, husband, home). 
  • I have spent the last 8 years studying (the last 4 whilst working full time) to acquire qualifications so that I will be "successful" in the world. What a delightful shock to find out that God priorities family (being a wife, mother and home-maker) over being a career woman.

My aim in motherhood is to transfer a God-centered, Christ-treasuring vision of life to my child(ren).